All functions |
A class for the identifiers of DateTime and ID records in spatial data. |
TimeOrderedRecords |
Adjust duplicate DateTime values |
Assign numeric values for Argos "class" |
As ("trip", other-classes) |
Coercion from other classes to |
Split trip events into exact time-based boundaries. |
Non-destructive smoothing filter |
Function to ensure dates and times are in order with trip ID |
Calculate maximum distance from 'home' for each trip |
Track intermediate points |
Generate a GridTopology from a Spatial object |
SeaWiFS ocean colour colours |
Rasterize trip objects based on line-segment attributes. |
Read Argos "DAT" or "DIAG" files |
Reprojection |
Filter track for speed, distance and angle. |
Separate a set of IDs based on gaps |
Filter track data for speed |
Determine internal angles along a track |
Determine distances along a track |
Functions to retrieve DateTime and ID data from within (Spatial) data frames. |
A class for sets of animal trips (track data). |
Function to handle animal track data, organized as |
trip. |
Deprecated functions in trip |
Generate a grid of time spent by line-to-cell gridding |
Generate a grid of time spent using approximate methods |
Walrus tracking data set. |
World north polygons |
Create a time-continuous KML file |